Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Here is how my mind plays tricks on me:

Yesterday morning at the conclusion of the interview with the company's CEO, he gathered his papers and said, "We should be getting you an offer this afternoon or in the morning." I have these words memorized.

After that, I spent the day thinking, "This is great! He asked all kinds of questions revealing my personality, like what flaw I thought my favorite manager would say I have; I told them I can be a little high-strung. I admitted what Jim or Eric really probably would tell them, and he said he's intense too--so I'll fit in. I passed the test. I was honest, and I did the right thing, and they still want me! I am validated!"

As of midnight the day after, I still have not heard anything from them. Maybe he was really saying, "[If we want you] we should be getting you an offer."....

I have spent most of the day thinking, "I make jokes about my instigations. But I really must have a terrible personality, and am also stupid enough to let people see that. I was so gullible, and I played right into his trap. It didn't matter what personal flaws he admitted; it matters what I admitted I am! Dear God, why was I too stupid to see it was a game?" And in the back of my mind was Don's statements that I am intense, Jekyll and Hyde, have a strong personality, and am very emotional.

The torture is horrible; it's debilitating to think your very makeup is anatherma to others and will always hold you back.

But both frames of mind really are relative.

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